"La Atarraya" dance (Curillo town)

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Curillo town

"La Atarraya" dance represents the making of the fish tool known as "atarraya" -a net to catch fish- and all its utensils (needle, "mochila" -a natural fiber bag- fiber and white nylon); besides at the end of the dance, people can see the usage of "atarraya". This dance is featured between two people, a couple. Women wear an orange blouse and skirt, and sandals made of natural fiber. Men wear shirt and dark pants rolled and also natural fiber sandals. "La Atarraya" dance has been developed by the dance group "Casa de la Cultura" (House of Culture) and it is fruit of the work and research about the culture and traditions of people who have lived there. This dance has been carried out three years ago.