Typical costume and dance "La Montañita"

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"La Montañita" town


The typical costumes from "La Montañita" were adopted by the 06 municipal agreement of January 2009.

For women:

Women have a flower arrangement arround their head, and wear a cotton white blouse with a neckline in shape of "tray". The blouse is decorated with white wavy lace too and the sleeves reach the elbows. 

The skirt is made of white and is wide and is at the height of the knees. This skirt is similar to the blouse since they are decorated with white wavy lace. Also, the skirt is decorated with designs based on the variety of fruits which are abundant in the region such as: banana, "caimarones", tangerine, orange, lemon, pineapples, papaya, "araza", "chontaduros", "caimos", "cocona", etc. This decoration is a tribute to the different natural resources. The skirt has three stripes in ribbon: yellow, red and green. These are the colors of the flag of the town; The colorful stripes decorate the skirt form the waist almost to the end of the clothe. 

For men:

Men wear a cotton white shirt with long sleeves. Also they wear denim light brown trousers with pins, the belt and shoes are black.  A wide white hat made of natural fibers, complements the outfit together with a red scarf tied around the neck and a white "poncho" over their right shoulder, also they carry a large "machete" in his belt. The dance represents the daily works on a holiday and all its typical situations.

The coreography moves are:

"Caminado" -couples walk around each other, dancing-, and "bambuqueo" (moves taken from a typical colombian dance called "Bambuco").

Dance figures:

Departure, invitation, flirting, "ochos" (dance moves), refusal, kidnap, and "terminada" -closing of the dance-.


Robert Bermudez

Source:Producciones Rocha Televisión